Kristy Marie Massage Website Project
Kristy Marie was one of my very first clients! We completed a full branding project before creating a website together so we had a solid direction when we started designing the site. Because we had done the background work of branding, the website design went up very quickly.
Kristy Marie has so many massage techniques that she offers; she is truly skilled and the experience of receiving massage from her is transformational. I wanted to express that in the photography we did. For her first photo shoot, years ago now, we had three of her massage clients come in to be models for the photoshoot, so that we could get a variety of shots and show techniques. Since then, she has changed her personal appearance and office location, so it was time for a refresher photo session. This photo shoot included many clients, expressing a variety of racial, religious, and gender backgrounds which was important to Kristy to give presence to.