Beth Bartlett Spiritual Direction Website Project

Beth Bartlett is one very special person. She is author of numerous books, a pioneering activist within the community, long time professor and mentor, and inspiration to countless individuals and organizations. She was my professor in undergrad, and influenced my education and outlook profoundly.

THIS is her first website. It was my honor to create it with her. It's multi-faceted, just like her. It promotes her spiritual direction practice, and shows viewers her availability as an educator, consultant, and facilitator as well. 

Creating a website with Beth was collaborative. She had a limited budget and wanted to learn how to manage the website herself. So we agreed that I would begin the design process for her and when her budget was extinguished, I would teach her how to finish it and hand her the reins. Another way we trimmed the expense of the project was by using photography (really good photography!) that she captured herself.

Serendipitously, I was able to complete the website within her budget, without her needing to finish it herself. This felt good; I got to hand her a finished product. Of course, we still sat down together so that I could teach her to manage the site herself. An interesting experience, since SHE has taught ME so much in my life.

Visit the Site →


Adam Swanson Art


Universe Embodied